We must not lose sight of the fact that human society was first organized and held together by means of the gens (family), at the head of which was a woman. The several members of this organization were but parts of one body cemented together by the pure principle of maternity, the chief duty of these members being to defend and protect each other if needs be with their life blood. The fact has been observed, in an earlier work, that only through the gens (family) was the organization of society possible. Without it mankind could have accomplished nothing toward its own advancement.

Although at certain stages in the history of the human race the evils, which as a result of the supremacy of the ruder elements developed in mankind had befallen the race were lamented and bewailed, they could not be suppressed. Man had become a lost and ruined creature. The golden age had passed away.
SOURCE: The God-Idea of the Ancients
See also: Why Women Should Rule the World | The Takeover of America - R.I.P.
Books: The Evolution Of Woman: An Inquiry Into The Dogma Of Her Inferiority To Man
Women of America | American Women | Women - Morals and Ethics
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