Citizens are ruled by parties and appointees who exercise absolute power. Citizens are allowed limited access to, and denied little voice in their government.
Public representatives consider themselves masters of the state, not its servants.
The government is marked by inefficiency, corruption and favoritism.
Land owership, businesses and the "purse strings" are concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy indvididuals and corporations.
Dependence on outside trade and cheap labor increases. Consequently, manufacturing falls off, imports increase, jobs are outsourced and economic prosperity declines.
Citizens are unable to earn a living, lose their farms and homes, and lower their expectations of a higher standard of living. They work for lesser wages for the large corporations or migrate to service jobs in the cities, moving into rentals or government subsidized apartments.
Citizens become dependent upon government charity for the necessities of life. Class distinctions between the rich and poor widen sharply.
Workers have no incentive to increase output.
Government levies heavy, and often unjust, taxes upon the people to pay for the cost of government and to maintain the ruling classes in luxury. Heavy taxation and a large welfare state destroys the incentive of the people to work and progress.
Nation contains many peoples having different cultures, customs and traditions. They do not blend into a united people, loyal to the nation; instead, they retain their own individuality.
A multicultured people are uninterested in the the problems facing the government and will not exert themselves in its behalf.
The spirit of the family, God, personal accountibility and responsibility, the national patriot, the soldier and the warrior is de-emphasized.
The people are not interested in the welfare of the nation, but in their own pleasures and luxuries. Corruption is widespread; morality and ethics are not observed.
The direction of education and culture are influenced by liberal socialists.; ignorance is widespread among the lower classes.
The state becomes an enfeebled nation. The government is being undermined by incompetence, fraud, theft and corruption, the productivity of the nation's economic system is collapsing, the character of the people has been weakened, and the moral of the military is being sapped.
In this state of inefficiency and apathy, the country is ready to fall before the blow of any attacker - within or without.
"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases" - Thomas Jefferson.[Many points above include reasons for the
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