Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Pop Culture" President

President of the United States of America!
The First "Pop Culture" President.
President-elect Barack Obama greets onlookers after working out at the Semper Fit Center at Marine Corp Base Hawaii in Kailua, Hawaii, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008

[COOL - or NOT?
Depends upon your "point of view", how you read "body language", and "signs"."]

Guys who wear baseball caps sideways or backwards:?

The Backward Baseball Cap
~it appears that the style was popularized by rap artists in the mid-1980s who borrowed the look from South Central L.A. gangs who were the real "inventors" of the look.

It was a gesture of cultural defiance, self-assertion and empowerment among the urban poor. It was a symbolic desecration of the second most popular U.S. national icon after the American flag itself - the baseball cap. Since burning U.S. flags was inherently a Caucasian ritual, blacks and Hispanics were forced to come up with something different. It was a smarter kind of irreverence. Wearing your cap backwards hardly ever got you arrested, on its own.

Now, as you may have noticed, it is a more mindless, rather mainstream attempt to be "kewl" (pronounced "coo-el"). - Ron Sterling, M.D

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