Customer Reviews
A Disturbing Book Worth Reading!
It seems incumbent upon those of us, who share a conservative mindset and who love the founding principles of our constitutional government and our rich Judeo-Christian heritage, to be ever more well-informed and able to address these important issues in conversations with relatives, friends, and peers. Ignorance of historical and religious fact prevails in America, and after reading "The Trouble with Textbooks," you will better (and more disturbingly) understand why!
Critic Says Islamic Extremism Gets Whitewashed in American Textbooks, Education experts are warning that American textbooks present a biased and sugarcoated view of Islamic extremism, a trend that has parents worried about what's being taught in public schools. SOURCE...
Textbooks around the world are blatantly used as tools for propaganda. It is shocking to discover that history and geography textbooks widely used in America’s elementary and secondary classrooms contain some of the very same inaccuracies about Christianity, Judaism, and the Middle East as those in Iran.
The 500 problematic passages about Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Middle East uncovered in the analysis of the 28 most widely used textbooks in public schools should evoke considerable concern on the part of Americans. History and religion are being distorted in schools in every one of the 50 states.
SOURCE - Trouble With Textbooks
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