The question is how to deal with other nations while keeping our sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence intact. We must ask ourselves: Can the United States keep its head straight, and keep its own laws and Constitution? Can the United States continue to set its own policies, or will we surrender to the decisions of an international collective of nations?
There are those who would very much like to see the attributes of U.S. nationhood fade away. It is not just the power of the United States that they fear; what they fear is the set of ideas that still makes the United States the most powerful nation on earth. For the ideas of America are a sign of contradiction to the way the rest of the world operates.
The overwhelming success of the United States in political organization, its ability to continually renew itself with unimagined inventions and brilliant enterprises, and its astonishing cultural impact--for good and for bad--on billions of people around the world does not depend upon our material resources. It depends upon a set of ideas--religious, political and legal--that may not be easy to replicate elsewhere. These are the ideas that have set us free. They have set us free to worship, to think, to act, and to be Americans.
Out of that spiritual freedom has come our material prosperity. Material prosperity is a renewable resource, if the freedom remains intact. It is the fruit of freedom, but it is not the essence of what America means. If our economy were to collapse, a lot of people would undergo a lot of suffering. But the United States would rebuild, just as at the present time it has generated the longest period of intense economic development the world has ever seen. For this reason the United States has become the beacon of hope for millions of people who want to get here by hook or by crook and leave their stagnant and failed countries behind. The power of these ideas to inspire people all over the globe creates an ongoing challenge to those who think the world should be organized on very different principles
Some people confuse material prosperity with freedom. They think that governments can assign a share of material prosperity to everyone, providing that the freedom to worship, think, and act is curtailed for the common good. They do not understand that prosperity and invention arise out of spiritual and intellectual freedom. They want to impose limits and barriers. They want to isolate human beings as individuals not connected to traditional social units, such as families, neighborhoods, and churches. In place of families, they think of collectives, planning and rules set by experts. They start with the notion of redistribution, not expansion. READ ALL!!!

Within a few short years, unless Americans object now, the United States of America and our beloved Constitution may not exist. Behind closed doors, a new scheme is being drawn up to eliminate the borders with Mexico and Canada, replace the Dollar with the "Amero" (a combination of the weak and unstable Mexican and Canadian currencies with the Dollar)--thus destroying American's savings and economic stability; and create a "North American Union" (NAU) like the European Union. Gone or ignored will be our Constitution. Bureaucrats in Mexico, Canada and the U.S. will dictate your rights and duties as "citizens" of the NAU. Complete elimination of borders will give all Mexicans the legal right to move to the U.S., making Americans nearly a minority in our country and making security against terrorism and drug smuggling impossible. It's not a nightmare, it's really happening, unless Americans wake up now and put a stop to it. Today the planning is behind closed doors, soon the media and politicians will be declaring the need to merge with Mexico and Canada to solve all our problems, and the danger exists that a real or created crisis could be used to force the scheme into effect without even a vote in Congress. This is how our great country and Constitution could be undermined and abandoned without a fight--if we let it happen now.
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