Customer Review:
Quite simply, I learned (and re-learned) more about economics and U.S. economic history from reading this book than I did in 4 years of college followed by a 25+ year business career which now includes being CEO of my own tax consulting company for the past 9 years.
Anyone who has ever built a business or had to work for anything will appreciate this book and how straight forward it presents what many politicians try to make very complex. Most all of us will work more productively if given the INCENTIVE to do so. We really DO want to be better off and live a higher quality of life while helping those less fortunate improve their situation as well. That,however is hard to do when more and more of the economic policies being put into play kill off our incentive and ability to start businesses, hire employees, buy assets etc. The excessive taxes coupled with restrictive government policies and crushing bailout debt being put into play make it difficult if not impossible to expand.
This book brings to mind an old but very intelligent saying from 1931 by Dr. Adrian Rogers, " You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
There is no cavalry coming. Go out and earn it!

This groundbreaking book is the first to both identify the wide range of political risks that global firms face and show investors how to effectively manage them. Written by two of the world's leading figures in political risk management, it reveals that while the world remains exceedingly risky for businesses, it is by no means incomprehensible. Political risk is unpredictable, but it is easier to analyze and manage than most people think.
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