How to infiltrate and takeover america
Have babies, lots of babies (anchor babies) on U.S. soil as they will automatically be registered as U.S. citizens, with all the legal rights and benifits of a U.S. citizen. The government (working citizens of the U.S.) will assist in the financing of their birth and provide for their welfare from the cradle to adulthood.
Keep the children close to your breast. Raise and teach them in your own ways, and you will scramble and confuse, divide and change, conquer and takeover a nation with your peoples and your ways.
It's been a cornerstone of American law since shortly after the Civil War: Children born in the United States become citizens, even if their parents are here illegally.
Now some conservatives are taking aim at that birthright.
They call the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants "anchor babies" because at age 18 the children can apply to bring other family members here from abroad, and a growing group of House Republicans wants to change the policy. They hope to add a provision to the immigration bill that the House of Representatives will consider
"They see people are coming here simply for the purpose of having a child here and then, because they're the anchor, they can have all the family come in on that child's ticket. ... There are thousands upon thousands of people who are doing it," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., a leading opponent of illegal immigration.
Tancredo said citizens of other countries are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction, and he added that drafters of the 14th Amendment did not intend it to apply to children of illegal immigrants. SOURCE ...
Is it ... Your People, Our People, or WE- the People?
There are the PTB (Powers That Be - Politicians, Special Interests, Third World Parties) that have used this issue (and are using now) to gain power, or to remain in power. Ignore the law. Ignore the majority. Divide and Conquer. READ MORE...
See also: Birth Citizen Babies | Anchor Babies Devour USA
Cost of Illegal Immigration | The Takeover of America
Change - A New Day is Dawning on America
See also: Illegals Get Rebate Checks | The American Question
Want Work? New Deal Jobs | Speaking In Tongues
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