LINCOLN's Birthday Tribute
This miniseries weaves together the troubled lives of a dirt-farmer's son and a wealthy Southern slave-owner's daughter. Together, Abraham and Mary Lincoln ascended to the pinnacle of power at the most difficult time in the nation's history, the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln's legacy as the Great Emancipator reshaped the nation while his tragic death left Mary reclusive and forgotten.
Abraham Lincoln - DvD's | Books
Question of the moment?
Obama ended his tribute speech at the Lincoln Memorial today with a kiss for Pelosi.
Why does a President kiss the Speaker of the House? Should not the same consideration be given to the Vice-President? Is it discrimination?
Same Games - Different Players: Stirring the Pot Points to Ponder Things to Think About Perspectives Comments Views Reviews and Links on a Variety of Subjects. Life and Living In the News, Blogs, Books and blah blah. Truth Lies Propaganda Conspiracies Smoke & Mirrows Bait and Switch BS Gobbly-Gook. "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Except for the speed and industry in which its done.
Do we not teach and scare our young schoolers that this is sexist, inappropriate contact and behavior (in the schools and workplaces) ... and punishable by expulsion, verbal reprimands and prosecution. FIZZFOG