Monday, January 26, 2009

Who Is Winning Now?

Your People, Our People
It's Not a UTOPIA. It's Not a Perfect World.
OUR People! Equal, but Different and Worlds Apart?
Many Nations - Different Peoples Cultures Ideologies
We won, they lost; They won, we lost - ad nauseam

Why Did Japan Attack America | More ...
[Domination Oil Resources for OUR People?]

Hitler's Argument for Conquest
[Domination Living Space Resources for OUR People?]

America's War Against Great Britain
A Revolution for Self-Government for We, the People
[Fair Trade and Fair Taxes for OUR People?]
Policy of Mercantilism 1. 2. and Taxes

Why do we maintain a Military? Why Support a Military? Why Drill Now? Why have a Constitution? Don't be naive, ignorant and blind - SELF PRESERVATION! Restrict access to oil, limit manufacturing, take away the guns, limit and draw down the military, birth rates and population, allow unlimited and unrestricted immigration in competition for employment, tangle, mix-up and scramble the finances, languages and everything else -- and you diminish a people and a nation's ability to control and preserve it's unique culture, it's national identify and sovereignty, and to defend itself against infiltration and takeover by foreign interests or tyrannical ideas.

The world's economy and transportation is largely based on and powered primarily by OIL! Without oil, many of our petroleum based products and related jobs would disappear, as would the source of power for the military complex which helps preserve and defend the freedom, liberties and survival of a democratic nation and peoples.

Until we, as a UNITED nation, convert our ability to protect ourselves (from those that envy, or wish to dominate and rule} to nuclear, wind, sun, water, manure BS powered military machines, we should wisely maintain our strength in numbers, manufacturing capabilities and access to resources for survival as a nation. It's the human nature of self-preservation.

German conquest of Europe and Africa would bring all their raw materials, plus their entire industrial development, under one control. Of the 2 billion people in the world, the Nazis would rule roughly one quarter, the 500 million people of Europe and Africa, forced into slavery to labor for Germany. German conquest of Russia would add the vast raw materials and the production facilities of another of the world's industrial areas, and of the world's people, another 200 million would be added to the Nazi labor pile.

Japanese conquest of the Orient would pour into their factory the almost unlimited resources of that area, and of the peoples of the earth, a thousand million would come under their rule, slaves for their industrial machine.

We in North and South America would be left with the raw materials of three-tenths of the earth's surface, against the Axis with the resources of seven-tenths. We would have one industrial region against their three industrial regions. We would have one-eighth of the world's population against their seven-eighths. If we along with the other nations of North and South America could mobilize 30 million fully equipped men, the Axis could mobilize 200 million.

Thus, an Axis victory [Germany-Japan-Italy] in Europe and Asia would leave us alone and virtually surrounded facing enemies ten times stronger than ourselves. SOURCE ...

Who is winning the war of ideas now - without firing a shot? Who is right? Who is wrong? Who will be blamed for starting the next world war - and who will win next time?

[Give us our house, our car, our sundries and entertainment allowance ... don't make us work or slave for your enrichment ... and YOU CAN RULE THE WORLD with YOUR PEOPLE in charge! But ... OUR People really don't trust you. We'll keep our guns ... just in case.]

See: The Takeover of America
The World Distribution Center (WWWD) | War and Terror and More Wars

"Those who hammer their guns into plows, will plow for those that do not". -Thomas Jefferson

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