"... I think it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame, and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support." - Penn
It's not shame to the children, they don't know any better. It's the lack of shame in the adults that continue to sexually educate the children at younger and younger ages.
Who keeps saying this?
"We're looking out for the kids. We have to protect the kids. It's all about the children and the grandchildren -- and their future." Blah Blah Blah
Is ANYONE really looking out for the kids? Does anyone really care about anything other than their own self-gratification?
Sex Education and condoms (indoctrination and permission) in the schools, Free Choice (promiscuity) w/o risk of birthing or accountability at any age ... Blah Blah Blah
What happened to the simple law of Public Lewdness and Indecency? The innocence of young children? Is there anything that is lewd or indecent anymore? No. Huh? Duh.
Specific interest groups, protected under "special" legislature, can target, harass and intimidate those with opposing views or values without repercussion. The media will assist in indoctrinating the general population with those views. However, attempting to counter or answer these attacks will subject you to the courts and more intimidation. (Huh? Duh)
It's not the "alternative" lifestyle that is objectionable. That's a personal choice. It is the method of aggressively promoting that lifestyle "in your face", in the public elementary schools to the young, and in homes through the public media.
With Reference to: Out - Male Masculinity
Any society that permits, condones and sanctions mass public displays OUT on the streets CELEBRATING a "behind closed doors" lifestyle with vulgar gestures, sadosexual conduct and lewd comments towards others not sharing the same values, and not wanting to participate in same is ... contributing to the general welfare of the nation and future generations. (Huh? Duh)

... espouses political ideas that were put into practice by such diverse figures as Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Fidel Castro. ... captures the drama of de Sade’s forays into human sexuality including such practices as voyeurism, fetishism, and, most famously, sadism. Vilified by critics in the 1800s as "Monstrous depraved. An odious book."
See also: The Takeover of America - R.I.P.
Kids - So Sexy So Soon
The Truth About Teen Girls | What Happens If You're On the Gay Enemies List?
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