"My president is black, he's black, he's half white/ So even in a racist mind, he's half right/ So if you got a racist mind, it's alright/ My president is black, but his house is all white," Jay spit a capella as the DJ pulled the music for his verse.
"No more white lies, my president is black!" Hov finished, as the crowd in the club repeated his last line over and over again. SOURCE ...
Video (Rap) | Video (Mix w/Extreme Black Culture Lanquage)
"Rap music is especially appealing to young people, many of whom look up to rappers as role models. As a public health researcher, and as a parent of a 7-year-old, I'm concerned about the impact that long-term exposure to this music has on its listeners."Studies have shown rap music is one of the fastest-growing genres in American pop culture today and plays a prominent role in youth culture. SOURCE ...
- Denise Herd, associate professor in the division of Community Health and Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley's School of Public Health
"Role-models like that are about to be done-in by a shooting star named Barack Obama"Is Obama's presidency the change hip-hop needs?
- Dennis Miller, O'Reilly Factor
Obama is not just the first African-American president. He is the first hip-hop president - the first one with Jay-Z and Kanye West on his iPod, the first one who speaks the culture's language, the first one who embraces its mannerisms, from fist-bumping with his wife to throwing his hands in the air and waving like he just don't care to Beyoncé's "Crazy in Love."
Eighty percent of hip-hop consumers are white according to the Simmons Lathan Media Group. In the various debates about rap, too little attention has been paid to this majority-white consumer base. SOURCE ...
[Perhaps Obama can persuade the young people that wearing your pants down at the knees, grabbing your crotch, and filthy language may seem kewl, but it leads to "nowhere" - unless you can rap to fame or employment in the industry. Our President is Black, and hopefully, All-American.]
Good Time Rap: What Would Come to be Known as "Rap"
See also: I Identify as African-American | "Pop Culture" President
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