"What, me brainwashed? Not on your life! I'm a free person and I make up my own mind!" Really? Wanna bet? You are cleverly manipulated in hundreds of such subtle ways by the Controlled Media that you don't even realize it. First, you must understand that American news media is simply the mouthpiece for Big Government and Special Interest. If you are to control a people you must keep them unaware of their right to redress their grievances to a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
There are many options in controlling people. The most peaceful (although subversive) and long-lasting method is to carefully teach these people, from cradle to grave, that they only need to turn to Uncle "Sugar-Daddy" (big government) for all their needs. Part of the process must hide the truth from them - the truth that free people have a natural right to replace an oppressive, tyrannical government bent on the financial rape of its people thereby selling them out to a New World Order in which all the slaves are equal. They have no land, no money, no freedom, no free enterprise, no free energy, no access to natural or alternative health. Everyone is equally impoverished. It appears there is scheme to keep the masses ignorant and in poverty. We all know that uneducated masses are easier to control.
Now, if you get someone who sees through all the disinformation, then you must destroy that person's credibility so that no one will listen to the "mad ravings of a paranoid lunatic". This is the job of the establishment media.
With precious few exceptions the national media in the U.S., far from being the guard dogs of liberty, seem to have become the lapdogs of tyrants. Programming seems to be scrupulously cleansed of any real news content, and even worse it indulges in subtle indoctrination and open "politically correct" propaganda.
If you are getting your "news" from the Controlled Media you are being insulted through omission, misinformation and disinformation.
There are non-controlled and independent newspapers, magazines, and web sites that give you the REAL news on what's happening and why. Add a Link. This is a wake-up call for all who can still think?
The above "Media Mind Control" is taken from an unsourced printed article available in 1995 by independent Patriotic authors/publishers for the United States of America. Can you identify or provide a link?
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