John Ziegler went to USC to witness and ask questions about Katie Couric getting the Walter Cronkite journalism award for her interview of Sarah Palin. He intended to also give away copies of his film but was literally prevented from doing so. He did not go there hoping for or expecting any sort of confrontation, especially with law enforcement. He was simply shocked and horrified by what happened there, as should every freedom loving American. He did absolutely nothing wrong and was handcuffed, detained and literally abused by law enforcement at the event. The video speaks for itself, John will have plenty to say about this very disturbing episode.
This video was shot and edited by Orange County Films. John Ziegler was not involved the the production or editing of this video in any way.
See also: The Takeover of America Control of the Media, Press, Radio, Schools, and the modern methods of working upon the masses.

They have swept away the liberty of the press, and they come down with a heavy hand upon any editor who dares criticise the leader or his policy.
The Brown Shirts in three months have been able to gain power and dig themselves well in without the ravages of a civil war and without the delay of several years
They have put one party, and one party only, into control--into the position of leaders in the universities, in all committees, in factories, on boards of directors, in schools, in public offices. Most positions of trust are now held by members of the party.
They have imprisoned many tens of thousands of men and women for their political views, and hold them now captive in prisons and concentration camps.
They have created a secret police, which will make still more nebulous any freedom of expression which may remain.
They have attempted a moral cleansing of life in the big towns and have courageously attacked social evils.
They have revealed and condemned much corruption in public life and have placed before public servants a high ideal of service for the nation’s sake and not for private gain.
They have re-organised education ... SOURCE...
See also: The Takeover of America
Google "Brown Shirts" Search
Hitler Had Brownshirts Obama Wants Blackshirts
DvD's: America: Freedom to Fascism | Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose
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