Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birth Citizen Babies

"We must prepare ourselves for the reality that in 30 years there will be 50 million Muslims living in America." - Islamic Strategy Conference in Chicago

America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It

America is the only hope against Islamic Terrorism. Steyn addresses the singular position in which America finds itself, surrounded by anti-Americanism on all sides. He gives us the brutal facts on these threats and why there is no choice but for America to fight for the cause of freedom - alone.

UNITED STATES - An estimated 300,000 "birth citizen babies" are born in the U.S. annually. Their births and long term medical care are provided for free. A recent report from one hospital where over 2400 annual births have been provided. Video - Click Here

See also: Anchor Babies Devour USA
Cost of Illegal Immigration | The Takeover of America
Change - A New Day is Dawning on America

Monday, May 25, 2009

Veterans - Kings of the Hill

"Time will not dim the glory of their deeds"
- General of the Armies John J. Pershing

The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) was established by Congress in 1923 to commemorate the service, achievements, and sacrifice of U.S. armed forces where they have served overseas since 1917, and within the U.S. when directed by public law.

The ABMC commemorative mission is reflected in 24 overseas military cemeteries that serve as resting places for almost 125,000 American war dead; on Tablets of the Missing that memorialize more than 94,000 U.S. servicemen and women; and through 25 memorials, monuments and markers.

You are invited to explore the information and databases available on this web site, and to visit our cemeteries and memorials. VISIT...

USA - King of the Hill? (also known as "King of the Mountain" or "King of the Castle"), is a game, the object of which is to stay on top of a large hill or pile (or any other designated area) as the "King of the Hill". Other players attempt to knock the current King off the pile and take their place, thus becoming the new King of the Hill.

The way the "king" can be removed from the hill depends largely on the rules determined by the players before the game starts. Ordinarily pushing is the most common way of removing the king from the hill, but there are significantly rougher variations where punching or kicking is allowed.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The year is 2013

The year is 2013. War has crippled the earth. The United States is no more. Hope is forgotten until a drifter whose fabricated tale of a restored United States of America gives survivors the will to fight for the freedom they lost.

Red Dawn opens with one of the most shocking scenes ever filmed; on a peaceful morning, through the windows of a high school classroom, students see paratroopers land on the varsity football field: the invasion of the United States has begun!

Brave New Schools
... demonstrates how myths, feelings, and imagination have replaced facts, logic and history in our classrooms. You can make a positive difference in your children's education by educating yourself first.
Educating for the New World Order
All American schools are now obliged to teach kids how to be a multicultural, non-judgemental, citizen of the world.
Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education
Big brother isn't the only one watching you these days. He's been joined by little sister, third cousin `what's his name' and crazy uncle, Leroy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama Re-Assigns Ayers and Wright

The Silencing of Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright
What in the world is going on here?

The above article questions what happened to Ayers and Wright since Obama's election? Well, they are back - and now working as a team.

Current assignment - promote and advance Obama's foreign policy.

William Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. headline Mideast peace rally
Oak Park forum features 2 figures associated with President Barack Obama

The day before President Barack Obama was to meet with Israel's prime minister, community activists, clergy and residents marched through Oak Park on Sunday to call for a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

And they were led in their efforts by a politically provocative pair from Chicago: Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and William Ayers.

The two men shared the stage for one of the first times at First United Church of Oak Park during a forum before the annual walk.

They urged a rethinking of the Mideast conflict, a shift in perspective that's not unlike the view espoused by Obama. SOURCE...

Watch for new assignments for these two as they work in Obama's shadow.

William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire

Radical Liberals Rulebook
For more information about the Rules and how Obama has learned and used them, see

Monday, May 18, 2009

When All Hell Breaks Loose

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes

Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes is what every family needs to prepare and educate themselves about survival psychology and the skills necessary to negotiate a disaster whether you are at home, in the office, or in your car.

Ever stay awake at night running through "what if" scenarios? Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, famine, tornadoes, and terror . . . .Well, hold onto your gas masks, folks, survival guru and acclaimed author Cody Lundin is back with a no-holds-barred guide for surviving the next urban and suburban disaster!

... delivers home-tested techniques, tips, and tricks that will help anyone become more self-reliant in any situation. So ditch the fearmongering and paranoia, lower the shotgun, and immerse yourself in the most common-sense, in-your-face book on preparedness yet!

Customer Review: Over the top but necessary
Cody uses humor to try to educate us on a coming dire situation. Thank God for the humor or I would have been freaked. Very useful information to use WHEN, not if, we need it.

98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive!
2012: Seeking Closure
DvD - Survival Basics, Vol. 1 & 2: The Adventure

Friday, May 15, 2009

Buried Beneath Taxes

Americans would be buried beneath an avalanche of imposts: hearth taxes, window taxes, taxes upon imports, taxes upon exports, land taxes - nothing, it seemed, would escape the gimlet eye of the tax gatherer. As Americans studied this dismal catalogue, they might well conclude that they would shortly "be brought to a morsel of bread, or but one meal of meat in a week" in order that [govt] might consume double rations."

"Perhaps before long," remarked Alexander Hamilton, "your tables, chairs, and platters, and dishes, and knives, and forks, and every thing else, would be taxed. Nay, I don't know but they would find means to tax you for every child you got, and for every kiss your daughters, received from their sweethearts; and, God knows, that would soon ruin you."

For [anyone] to contend that they had "a Right to hold the Lands which they have honestly purchased, will be as great a piece of Folly, as it was for the Merchants vainly to pretend that they had a Right to keep their own Money, which they had fairly gained after many a Risque in the Trade." - The Origins of the American Revolution

A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic

Customer Review
It was truly a leap in the dark, and by all reason we should have been up to our necks in quick sand, and yet we overcame and have continued to meet the challenge up through today.

Instead of sipping a Bud at day's end, we would be sipping a cup of intolerable tea. I'm glad they leaped without taking a good look. We owe it all to them!


Thursday, May 14, 2009

High Society?

High Society: How Substance Abuse Ravages America and What to Do About It

The individual who reaches age twenty-one without smoking, using illegal drugs, or abusing alcohol is virtually certain never to do so. As Joseph Califano points out in his searing indictment of America’s irresponsible attitude towards drug abuse, by failing to act on this lesson, we have lost untold lives and resources.

Califano deftly demonstrates how substance abuse is implicated in poverty, violent crime, soaring health care costs, family dissolution, child abuse, homelessness, teen pregnancy, and AIDS. With alcohol and tobacco interests buying political protection with campaign contributions and helping seed a culture of substance abuse, Califano illustrates the dire need for parental engagement, proposes revolutionary changes in prevention, treatment, and the nation’s criminal justice, health care, and social service systems, and sounds an urgent cry to address the plague responsible for the death of more Americans than all our wars, natural catastrophes, and traffic accidents combined.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dictatorships - Wave of the Future

Past traditional authoritarian government's power and objectives were limited. These governments lacked modern communications and modern transportation. They lacked, in other words, the ability to totally control their subject populations. The twentieth century -- thanks to improved technology -- would change all that. In fact, it can be said that true totalitarian regimes are limited only by the extent to which mass communications have been made a reality. And, of course, with mass communications comes mass man, and the capability of total control.

Totalitarian regimes -- thanks to technology and mass communications -- take over control of every facet of the individual's life. Everything is subject to control -- the economy, politics, religion, culture, philosophy, science, history and sport. Thought itself becomes both a form of social control as well as a method of social control. Those of you familiar with Orwell's premonitionary novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, should have an easy time understanding this development.

The Age of Anxiety, the age of the lost generation, was also an age in which modern Fascism and Totalitarianism made their appearance on the historical stage. By 1939, liberal democracies in Britain, France, Scandinavia and Switzerland were realities. But elsewhere across Europe, various kinds of dictators reared their ugly heads. Dictatorship seemed to be the wave of the future. It also seemed to be the wave of the present. After all, hadn't Mussolini proclaimed that this century would be a century of the right? Of Fascism? And this is what bothered such writers as Arthur Koestler (1905-1983), Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884-1937), Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), Karel Capek (1890-1938) and George Orwell (1903-1950). It was a nightmare world in which human individuality was subsumed under the might of totalitarian collectivism. The modern totalitarian state rejected liberal values and exercised total control over the lives of its subjects. In this way, totalitarianism became a new POLITICAL RELIGION for the Age of Anxiety. How this indeed occurred is the subject of this lecture. LECTURE...

From Freedom to Servitude - Part 1
The Power and Perversions of Laws

*a world government of delegated powers
*immediate limitations on national sovereignty
*a [single] democratically controlled international bank
*a universal system of money
*worldwide freedom of immigration
*even distribution of the world’s natural wealth.

The Takeover of America
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

First Steps Toward Socialism
Radical Liberal Rulebook
Brave New Schools - Service

Monday, May 11, 2009

Spilling the "Life-Blood"

Those that examine history would know that at one time JEWS were government targeted and classified as NON-Persons - unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Those that examine history would know that at one time African-Americans were government targeted and classified as NON-Persons - unworthy of life in liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

One could explore history and find numerous examples of the inhumanity of mankind.

Now, it is the inhumanity of the MOTHERS OF MANKIND that have targeted and classified as NON-Persons, the unborn children GRACIOUSLY granted to them by the CREATOR.
Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me: - Isaiah 47:8

And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant. - Genesis 33:5

And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die. - Genesis 33:13

Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. - Matthew 18:10

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. - Matthew 18:14
Call it, label it, re-name it, whatever you want - something is not right when it involves the intentional spilling of one's "life-blood."

Abortion Facts | Partial Birth Abortion
I am Pro-Life | I am Pro-Choice | I'm not sure

It's for the children Think of the children Blah Blah Blah

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Country Music - Divisive Reactionary?

Country music is under attack!
WaPo Music Critic Accuses Country Musicians of 'Narrowcasting' to Small Town America

If you're a country music fan you might be advised to avoid reading the Washington Post Style section when its writers tackle country music. It might make you want to put your boot up the critic's posterior.

The latest nuisance is J. Freedom du Lac's analysis of why country music radio is so chock full of songs about small town America. To you and me, the answer might be obvious, but du Lac set out to paint the trend as "divisive" and reactionary. READ ALL...

Threesome Marriages - the "triad"

First came traditional marriage. Then, gay marriage. Now, there's a movement combining both - simultaneously. Abby Ellin visits the next frontier of nuptials: the "triad."

"I want to walk down the street hand in hand in hand in hand and live together openly and proclaim our relationship," says Sasha Lessin. "But also to have all those survivor and visitation rights and tax breaks and everything like that."

Maine this week became the fifth state, and the fourth in New England, to legalize gay marriage, provoking yet another national debate about same-sex unions. The Lessins' advocacy group, the Maui-based World Polyamory Association, is pushing for the next frontier of less-traditional codified relationships. This community has even come up with a name for what the rest of the world generally would call a committed threesome: the "triad." SOURCE...

My unconventional marriage or ménage à trois in Beijing
Having one man and two women get married challenges the traditional marriage institution, and it makes fun of the institution as well. We also wanted to use the marriage institution to celebrate and legitimise all kinds of sexual relationships.

Searching for the perfect threesome

The first time I ever heard about oral sex was during the Lewinsky scandal. Mostly, I remember being confused by President Clinton’s response - "It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is." - Meghan McCain

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Tyranny of Tolerance

The Tyranny of Tolerance: A Sitting Judge Breaks the Code of Silence to Expose the Liberal Judicial Assault

Even those outraged by America’s courts will be shocked by Judge Dierker’s story of activist judges, deep-pocketed special interest groups, pandering politicians, and others who claim to stand for tolerance, equal rights, and social justice, but actually stand for something quite different—something closer to totalitarianism.

The Tyranny of Tolerance shows how the courts enable left-wing activists to ram their dangerous agenda down the throats of the American people. Consider:

• Why do the courts claim the power to tax us?
• Why is a Christian fired when he voices opposition to his employer’s favoring homosexuals?
• Why are airline pilots sued and sent to “diversity training” for recommending that suspicious-looking people of Middle Eastern appearance be kept off planes?
• Why does a judge who defends a monument to the Ten Commandments in a courthouse lose his job?
• Why are speech codes imposed on employers, university students, lawyers (and judges!), while “artistic” indecency is protected from even the mildest regulation?
• Why are peaceful abortion protesters thrown in jail, their right to free speech crushed?
• Why are white and Asian students denied admission to colleges and universities in the name of “diversity”?
• Why is an enemy fighter captured in Afghanistan granted access to U.S. federal courts, overturning judicial precedent safeguarding the president’s wartime powers—to say nothing of common sense?

With this passionate insider’s account, Judge Dierker reminds Americans what’s at stake in the battle for the courts: the Constitution, the success of the war on terrorism, the freedom to worship God, the ability to keep our families safe, the institution of marriage, and much more.

See also: Two National Governments

Books Left-Wing Professors Definitely Avoid in College Classrooms

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fight Media Bias

National Groups Come Together To Fight Media Bias

It’s fair to say the real war against media bias has begun. A conservative leadership summit to confront media bias is meeting in Washington, D.C. this week to formulate strategy for a nationwide battle against mainstream media bias.

We all know the role a biased, leftist media played in selecting Barack Obama, who was largely a media creation. In the last election, the media’s support was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and legions of campaign workers. It seems with each election cycle, the media becomes more biased and more brazen. If we don’t act now, 2010 and 2012 will be disastrous repeats of 2008.


Media Bias Can Literally Destroy The U.S.
The Importance Of The Alternative Media
Growing More Media Boycotts
Bringing Together All Victims Of Media Bias
Opening Up Presidential Press Conferences And Briefings
Publicizing The Media Watchdogs
Bringing Everyone Into The Anti-Bias Campaign
Reminding The Media And Everyone Else Of The Role Of The Media
Media Bias As Part Of A Larger Problem

Boycott the New York Times

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - the "EXTREMISM DICTIONARY"
What Country is this?
(U) Unclassified (FOUO) For Official Use Only (Reference)

(U) alternative media (U//FOUO) A term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets.

(U) anti-immigration extremism
(U//FOUO) A movement of groups or individuals who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration, particularly along the U.S. southwest border with Mexico. They are highly critical of the U.S. Government’s response to illegal immigration and oppose government programs that are designed to extend "rights" to illegal aliens, such as issuing driver’s licenses or national identification cards and providing in-state tuition, medical benefits, or public education.

(U) militia movement (U//FOUO) A rightwing extremist movement composed of groups or individuals who adhere to an antigovernment ideology often incorporating various conspiracy theories. Members oppose most federal and state laws, regulations, and authority (particularly firearms laws and regulations) and often conduct paramilitary training designed to resist perceived government interference in their activities or to overthrow the U.S. Government through the use of violence.
(also: citizens militia, unorganized militia)

(U) patriot movement (U//FOUO) A term used by rightwing extremists to link their beliefs to those commonly associated with the American Revolution. The patriot movement primarily comprises antigovernment groups such as militias and sovereign citizens.
(also: Christian patriots, patriot group, Constitutionalists, Constitutionist)

(U) rightwing extremism
(U//FOUO) A movement of rightwing groups or individuals who are mainly antigovernment and
reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. This term also may refer to rightwing extremist movements
that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
(also known as far right, extreme right)

(U) tax resistance movement
(U//FOUO) Groups or individuals who vehemently believe taxes violate their constitutional rights. Among their beliefs
are that wages are not income, that paying income taxes is voluntary, and that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allowed Congress to levy taxes on income, was not properly ratified.
(also: tax protest movement, tax freedom movement, antitax movement)

As one commenter says ... the list includes just about everyone

Homeland agency pulled back extremism dictionary
Black power, white supremacists, abortion foes make list

Right-Wing Extremism Explored

The Disuniting of America

The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society examines the international dimension and the lessons of one polyglot country after another tearing itself apart or on the brink of doing so: among them the former Yugoslavia, Nigeria, even Canada. Closer to home, he finds troubling new evidence that multiculturalism gone awry here in the United States threatens to do the same.

"The genius of America lies in its capacity to forge a single nation from peoples of remarkably diverse racial, religious, and ethnic origins. It has done so because democratic principles provide both the philosophical bond of union and practical experience in civic participation. The American Creed envisages a nation composed of individuals making their own choices and accountable to themselves, not a nation based on inviolable ethnic communities. The Constitution turns on individual rights, not on group rights. Law, in order to rectify past wrongs, has from time to time acknowledged the claims of groups; but this is the exception, not the rule" (p. 134).

The traditional "genius of America" is today threatened by proliferating hosts of "minorities" seeking special status in order to secure an elite sense of group identity. Rather than maintaining the historic American endeavor to engender a "new race," unique to this continent, many hyphenated Americans now seek to break down the national identity into exclusionary ethnic communities.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Mind of the Elite Government

Every demand made by Patriots for Constitutional liberty is considered to be an effort by upstart citizens to dictate to the "Elite Government" now in power. If government yields an inch, the patriots would seek to restore their Constitutional rights and again rule the government through We, the people.

The government does not wish the citizens to be their masters. The government's true policy is to exact obedience, if necessary, with the rod; for citizens, like children, must obey the government in all things. The government habitually thinks of the relationship of themselves and citizens in terms of parent and child.

Now, these saucy citizens need to be taught humility and obedience; and it is better to take them in hand while they are yet in their infancy than to postpone the reckoning until they have a great following who might knock their government down when she attempted to apply the rod. Americans must be taught who is master in the household. Opulence and security have begot a desire of independence; and because Americans are becoming too prosperous to be good subjects, it is well to give them a taste of salutary poverty.

It may be even more dangerous and ruinous for the "elite government" to suffer the citizens to become too rich, than too poor; by the latter, we (govt) should undoubtedly injure ourselves; but by the former, we should certainly be undone. Therefore, Good policy persuades us to utilize techniques and policies to control the people to suit our advantage and benefits.

Origins of the American Revolution

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Silencing Conservative and Christian talk

FCC Announces May 7 'Diversity Committee' Meeting - Behold a New 'Fairness' Doctrine
- the silencing of conservative and Christian talk radio via governmental regulatory fiat.
President Barack Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released the names of the thirty-one members of their Advisory Committee On Diversity For Communications In The Digital Age. This May 7 gathering is made up of a laundry list of left-wing grievance groups, with a smattering of radio and television companies included to break up the monotony.

Not a single conservative organization is taking part in this Commission - more than a dozen Leftist groups are. A little ironic for a "diversity" panel, is it not?

The broadcast license is of course a station's lifeblood; take it away, or make it impossible to meet the regulatory obligations to keep it, and they are literally out of business. The Left, no longer comfortable with trying the top-down, all-out assault that is the "Fairness" Doctrine, intends instead to silence conservative and Christian talk via this broadcast license manipulation.

If they can succeed in making it impossible for talk radio to operate as a business, talk radio will cease to operate. Leftist problem solved. READ ALL...

Conservative and Christian talk show hosts especially, but not exclusively, see this as an attempt to silence freedom of speech and see it as a violation of the first Amendment. They fear that the upshot will be an end to controversial talk radio. Jennings-s Censorship provides a history and context for what is sure to be a new battleground in the culture wars.

Local Media Matters Report (pdf) - headed by former Clinton Administration and Obama Transition Team adviser John Podesta)

See also: Silencing the Voice of Opposition

Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind (Audio CD)
Guide to Disinformation Part 1
Your (Dis)Information Guide to Propaganda
Public Opinion Manipulation Tactics List | Secrets, Lies and Democracy

What a Former Superpower Looks Like

Want to Know What a Former Superpower Looks Like?
This is a cautionary tale particularly worth scrutinizing as an unstable world lurches into a new geopolitical era.

Military and Economy -- Decimated
After years of budget cuts and neglect, Britain’s armed forces have been decimated. While politicians speak of technological advances with words like "modernization," "flexibility" and "efficiency," steep and steady cutbacks in troops, vehicles, weapons and equipment have devastated the nation’s defenses.

Falling Apart and Turning to Crime
Other factors are clearly contributing to the problem as well, however - most notably the wasteland that once was British family life. The broken homes that dot the landscape are proven breeding grounds for future criminals.

How the Police Are Handling the Problem
"In the last few years violent crime has risen sharply, with the police seemingly unwilling to investigate or prosecute even many serious offenses and government guidelines requiring judges sentence those found guilty to little or no prison time."

Four Decades Ago -- a Warning
this dramatic collapse was written about in advance.

What Is Its' Fate?
"He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again. ... Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing" (Job 12:23; Isaiah 40:15)

The shores of history are strewn with the wrecks of empires - Winston Churchill


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