- the silencing of conservative and Christian talk radio via governmental regulatory fiat.
President Barack Obama's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released the names of the thirty-one members of their Advisory Committee On Diversity For Communications In The Digital Age. This May 7 gathering is made up of a laundry list of left-wing grievance groups, with a smattering of radio and television companies included to break up the monotony.
Not a single conservative organization is taking part in this Commission - more than a dozen Leftist groups are. A little ironic for a "diversity" panel, is it not?
The broadcast license is of course a station's lifeblood; take it away, or make it impossible to meet the regulatory obligations to keep it, and they are literally out of business. The Left, no longer comfortable with trying the top-down, all-out assault that is the "Fairness" Doctrine, intends instead to silence conservative and Christian talk via this broadcast license manipulation.
If they can succeed in making it impossible for talk radio to operate as a business, talk radio will cease to operate. Leftist problem solved. READ ALL...
Conservative and Christian talk show hosts especially, but not exclusively, see this as an attempt to silence freedom of speech and see it as a violation of the first Amendment. They fear that the upshot will be an end to controversial talk radio. Jennings-s Censorship provides a history and context for what is sure to be a new battleground in the culture wars.
Local Media Matters Report (pdf) - headed by former Clinton Administration and Obama Transition Team adviser John Podesta)
See also: Silencing the Voice of Opposition
Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind (Audio CD)
Guide to Disinformation Part 1
Your (Dis)Information Guide to Propaganda
Public Opinion Manipulation Tactics List | Secrets, Lies and Democracy
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