Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - the "EXTREMISM DICTIONARY"
What Country is this?
(U) Unclassified (FOUO) For Official Use Only (Reference)
(U) alternative media (U//FOUO) A term used to describe various information sources that provide a forum for interpretations of events and issues that differ radically from those presented in mass media products and outlets.
(U) anti-immigration extremism
(U//FOUO) A movement of groups or individuals who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration, particularly along the U.S. southwest border with Mexico. They are highly critical of the U.S. Government’s response to illegal immigration and oppose government programs that are designed to extend "rights" to illegal aliens, such as issuing driver’s licenses or national identification cards and providing in-state tuition, medical benefits, or public education.
(U) militia movement (U//FOUO) A rightwing extremist movement composed of groups or individuals who adhere to an antigovernment ideology often incorporating various conspiracy theories. Members oppose most federal and state laws, regulations, and authority (particularly firearms laws and regulations) and often conduct paramilitary training designed to resist perceived government interference in their activities or to overthrow the U.S. Government through the use of violence.
(also: citizens militia, unorganized militia)
(U) patriot movement (U//FOUO) A term used by rightwing extremists to link their beliefs to those commonly associated with the American Revolution. The patriot movement primarily comprises antigovernment groups such as militias and sovereign citizens.
(also: Christian patriots, patriot group, Constitutionalists, Constitutionist)
(U) rightwing extremism
(U//FOUO) A movement of rightwing groups or individuals who are mainly antigovernment and
reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. This term also may refer to rightwing extremist movements
that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
(also known as far right, extreme right)
(U) tax resistance movement
(U//FOUO) Groups or individuals who vehemently believe taxes violate their constitutional rights. Among their beliefs
are that wages are not income, that paying income taxes is voluntary, and that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allowed Congress to levy taxes on income, was not properly ratified.
(also: tax protest movement, tax freedom movement, antitax movement)
As one commenter says ... the list includes just about everyone
Homeland agency pulled back extremism dictionary
Black power, white supremacists, abortion foes make list
Right-Wing Extremism Explored
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