It reveals places in our solar system that is totally outrageous and different in Earth's standards. Your imagination will start to unfold as the scenes visits the surface of each planet--Venus being a hellish place where volcanoes abound, Mars having the tallest Volcano in the solar system measuring 15 miles high, Jupiter having the biggest and longest running storms, Saturn having no solid surface, Neptune with seas of liquid methane and Uranus whose poles are tilted sideways. It also dwells on the galaxies whose size and distance from the Earth just purely defies the imagination! This documentary will open your mind (and fascination) on how the Universe functions.
The origin of our universe is most popularly explained with the Big Bang theory. This idea states that everything around us was once condensed in a state of massive density and temperature. As space expands, so does our universe. Over the course of billions of years, the planets and galaxies we know of and the ones we don’t have been slowly moving outward.
Is there an end to the universe - or the "space" into which the universe is expanding? If so, do you run into a wall? What's on the Other Side of the wall?
Where is our Mother Home Planet - or is this planet we call "Earth" the "Mother" of humanity?
Where will you be going? Into the "Heavens" ... or into the dirt?
God is that which you believe Him to be ... or not.
Of life and death; We know nothing ... we only believe we know something.
In 2007, Kurt Vonnegut was asked to give a talk in Indiana. Two weeks after he finished writing the speech, he took a nasty fall on his head, which left him mentally unable to deliver it. His son Mark Vonnegut delivered and published the speech. Here is an excerpt: SOURCE...
“I asked Mark a while back what life was all about, since I didn’t have a clue. He said, ‘Dad, we are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.’ Whatever it is.”
The question of whether the universe has limits or is eternal can wait until some way is found to extinguish the fires of birth, old age, sickness and death; in the presence of lamentation, sorrow, suffering, and pain; one should first search for a way to solve these problems and then devote oneself to the practice of that way. Buddha (B.C. 568-488)
This world is like a foyer leading into the world to come - prepare thyself in the foyer so that thou mayest enter into the inner chamber. The Talmud (B.C. 500?-400? A.D.)
Be sure of the foundation of your life. Know why you live as you do. Be ready to give a reason for it. Do not, in such a matter as life, build it on opinion or custom of what you guess is true. Make it matter of certainty and science. T. Starr King (1827-1864)
See also: Why Believe In God?
The Universe - NASA
UFO's - Unidentified Flying Objects DvD's
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