Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Pop Culture" President

President of the United States of America!
The First "Pop Culture" President.
President-elect Barack Obama greets onlookers after working out at the Semper Fit Center at Marine Corp Base Hawaii in Kailua, Hawaii, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008

[COOL - or NOT?
Depends upon your "point of view", how you read "body language", and "signs"."]

Guys who wear baseball caps sideways or backwards:?

The Backward Baseball Cap
~it appears that the style was popularized by rap artists in the mid-1980s who borrowed the look from South Central L.A. gangs who were the real "inventors" of the look.

It was a gesture of cultural defiance, self-assertion and empowerment among the urban poor. It was a symbolic desecration of the second most popular U.S. national icon after the American flag itself - the baseball cap. Since burning U.S. flags was inherently a Caucasian ritual, blacks and Hispanics were forced to come up with something different. It was a smarter kind of irreverence. Wearing your cap backwards hardly ever got you arrested, on its own.

Now, as you may have noticed, it is a more mindless, rather mainstream attempt to be "kewl" (pronounced "coo-el"). - Ron Sterling, M.D

Weird Car Damage!

A young woman was driving at 40-45 mph along Lake Cook Road (NORTHBROOK, ILLINOIS), when her car suddenly lurched to the right for no reason that was apparent to her. There were no cars within sight on the road, and she had not seen any pedestrian or animal near the car. She stopped her car immediately, got out, and apparently was flabbergasted by the appearance of the left side of her automobile.
I got out of the car and saw that I had several dents on the side of my car. There were two that were deeper and larger than the others; one was located in front of the rear wheel and the other was in the center of the driver door.

I called 911 to file a police report and the officer said that I was side swiped by another car but, there were not any cars around me before or after the hit and also there were no paint scratches from other cars on my car.
The investigating police officer could not provide an adequate explanation for the damage. He noted that there was no damaged paint, and no animal hair, feathers, or blood, evident on the damaged area of the car.

If anyone has ever witnessed this type of damage to a car, nuforc.org would welcome comments or suggestions.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Prayer For Peace

Prayer For Peace

For peace in your country
For the victims of violence everywhere
For those struggling for peace and justice
For churches in conflict situations
For a world without war and violence

Lead me from death to life,
from falsehood to truth,
Lead me from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead me from hate to love,
from war to peace,
Let peace fill our beings,
our world and our universe. Amen.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Maher Attacks Gays & Church!

Bill Maher, true to form on his "Real Time" program on HBO on Friday, went on a tirade against Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church, only days before the Pope’s visit to the U.S.. He stated that the Pope "used to be a Nazi" and compared him to a cult leader. He then went on to call the Church a "child-abusing religious cult" and "the Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia." "And that’s the Church’s attitude: 'We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it,' which is fine, far be it from me to criticize religion." SOURCE ...

Bill Mahers, while supporting gay and lesbian lifestyles, de-emphasises the responsiblity and accountabily of their individual actions, and is attacking and blaming the Church (religion) for any predatory pedophilic behavior.

It's not the church. It's pedophilic behavior of the alternative lifestyle folks that have infiltrated the church that are to blame.

Pedophiles favor those professions (schools, child care facilities, child group leaders) that will put them in closest contact to children. These deceiving closet predators, can taint all professions, and have to be discovered and expelled - even more so by the Churches.

Place the blame and fault where it belongs.

Gay and Lesbian groups should attack Bill Mahers for drawing attention to - and casting adversion and suspicion upon - their preferred lifestyle and behavior.

"Glory Hallelujah!"

Abraham Lincoln Entering Richmond Virginia
April 4, 1865

Abraham Lincoln, ~ firmly established the objective, and clearly set our course.

"Posterity will see in him a greater man than his contemporaries can acknowledge".

As Mr. Lincoln and his son walked the streets of Richmond, one group of newly freed slaves cried out, "Glory Hallelujah!", and fell to their knees before Mr. Lincoln. It was here the President paused, and motioned for them to rise. "Don't kneel to me," he told them, "You must kneel only to God, and thank him for your freedom. Liberty is your birthright. God gave it to you as he gave it to others, and it is a sin that you have been deprived of it for so many years."
[Sons of the South - The Civil War]

America's First Family
January 20, 2009

‘Change has come to America,’ first African-American leader tells country

Barack Obama, a 47-year-old first-term senator from Illinois, shattered more than 200 years of history ~ by winning election as the first African-American President of the United States. [LINK]

Obama to Take the Oath of Office Using Historic Lincoln Bible

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) -- President-elect Barack Obama will take the oath of office on the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln used when he was inaugurated in 1861.

“The president-elect is committed to holding an inauguration that celebrates America’s unity, and the use of this historic Bible will provide a powerful connection to our common past and common heritage,” said Emmett Beliveau, executive director of the Presidential Inaugural Committee.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The "Medusa" Economy

Obama has said that his first priority when taking office would be signing an economic stimulus bill into law.

The Never-Ending Cycle

According to US media, Obama's team is looking to craft a package worth between 675 and 775 billion dollars over two years, but it could build substantially to 850 billion as it moves through the legislative process. Some think it could reach one trillion dollars.

Once the stimulus package is launched, Congress plans to finish the 2009 budget, confirm the middle-class tax cuts Obama promised during his election campaign and tackle health care.

Taxes and fees imposed by federal, state or local laws
Lotteries providing Additional Revenue to Government officials
Presently, many lotteries in the US donate large portions of their proceeds to the public education system. However, these funds frequently replace instead of supplement conventional funding, resulting in no additional money for education. [Huh? Duh]
Pig Book Digs Up $17.2 Billion in Pork

The Conservative View - Cut taxes and spending (maybe ???)
The Liberal View - Increase spending while promising to cut taxes (increase taxes - but less than they would want, and call it cuts - and continue printing, spending and borrowing from China??? Japan??? Madoff???)

If the Feds don't increase taxes, your state, county, city and local entities will. Oh, and the oil-producing nations (you know, the ones that don't like us) are concerned that they lowered prices which has impacted their standard of luxuries. They're working on the next cycle of increases.

Through legal(?) manipulation and extortion of huge amounts of money from the general working public, our public officials, representatives and special interests have created a "Medusi" economy and are reaching new heights in "book cooking." They feed upon the beast without looking her squarely in the eye - and dare you to.

[Identify Your Congressperson]

More is required a long way to go lots of hard work ahead Think of the Children It's for the kids We're representing and looking out for you outsourcing dirty manufacturing jobs allowing foreign nationals to take the jobs you don't want we're taking care of you spread the wealth we will return your social security money if there's any left We need a pay raise and more employees we continue to keep our promises to promise responsibility and accountability Change The Time is Now The Sky is falling Blah Blah Blah

See also: Financial Success and the American Dream

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's on the Other Side?

The Universe DvD

It reveals places in our solar system that is totally outrageous and different in Earth's standards. Your imagination will start to unfold as the scenes visits the surface of each planet--Venus being a hellish place where volcanoes abound, Mars having the tallest Volcano in the solar system measuring 15 miles high, Jupiter having the biggest and longest running storms, Saturn having no solid surface, Neptune with seas of liquid methane and Uranus whose poles are tilted sideways. It also dwells on the galaxies whose size and distance from the Earth just purely defies the imagination! This documentary will open your mind (and fascination) on how the Universe functions.

The origin of our universe is most popularly explained with the Big Bang theory. This idea states that everything around us was once condensed in a state of massive density and temperature. As space expands, so does our universe. Over the course of billions of years, the planets and galaxies we know of and the ones we don’t have been slowly moving outward.

Is there an end to the universe - or the "space" into which the universe is expanding? If so, do you run into a wall? What's on the Other Side of the wall?

Where is our Mother Home Planet - or is this planet we call "Earth" the "Mother" of humanity?

Where will you be going? Into the "Heavens" ... or into the dirt?

God is that which you believe Him to be ... or not.
Of life and death; We know nothing ... we only believe we know something.

In 2007, Kurt Vonnegut was asked to give a talk in Indiana. Two weeks after he finished writing the speech, he took a nasty fall on his head, which left him mentally unable to deliver it. His son Mark Vonnegut delivered and published the speech. Here is an excerpt: SOURCE...

“I asked Mark a while back what life was all about, since I didn’t have a clue. He said, ‘Dad, we are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is.’ Whatever it is.”

The question of whether the universe has limits or is eternal can wait until some way is found to extinguish the fires of birth, old age, sickness and death; in the presence of lamentation, sorrow, suffering, and pain; one should first search for a way to solve these problems and then devote oneself to the practice of that way. Buddha (B.C. 568-488)

This world is like a foyer leading into the world to come - prepare thyself in the foyer so that thou mayest enter into the inner chamber. The Talmud (B.C. 500?-400? A.D.)

Be sure of the foundation of your life. Know why you live as you do. Be ready to give a reason for it. Do not, in such a matter as life, build it on opinion or custom of what you guess is true. Make it matter of certainty and science. T. Starr King (1827-1864)

See also: Why Believe In God?

The Universe - NASA
UFO's - Unidentified Flying Objects DvD's

What Would Come To Be Known As Rap

Louis Jordan & His Tympani Five

On December 21, 1946, Louis Jordan's single, "Let the Good Times Roll," debuted on the Rhythm and Blues charts. Over the next twenty-two weeks, the recording held fast to the chart, occupying the number two position for four weeks. "Let the Good Times Roll" was paired with the fast paced and humorous "Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens"—a phenomenally popular release that ranked number one for seventeen weeks. Such success was commonplace for Jordan. From 1943 until 1950, his singles topped the R&B chart more than 25% of the time. Fifteen hits crossed over to the pop charts.

He has been called “the Father of Rhythm & Blues” and “the Grandfather of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” In the Forties, bandleader Louis Jordan pioneered a wild - and wildly popular - amalgam of jazz and blues. The swinging shuffle rhythms played by singer/saxophonist Jordan and his Tympany Five got called “jump blues” or “jumpin’ jive,” and it served as a forerunner of rhythm & blues and rock and roll. In fact, it has been plausibly argued that “Saturday Night Fish Fry,” is worthy of consideration as the first rock and roll record, containing many of the genre’s key ingredients: a distorted electric guitar, an early use of the word rocking, party-themed lyrics, and danceable, uptempo music. Similarly, with their breathless, manic spoken delivery, both “Look Out” and “Saturday Night Fish Fry” - released in 1947 and 1949, respectively - can be seen as early examples of what would come to be known as rap.

Music of Louis Jordan & His Tympani Five
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Louis Jordan

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Feds Finance Destruction of America

December 15, 2008
A federal lawsuit (pdf) was filed this morning against U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. and the Federal Reserve Board to stop all bailout funds from going to American International Group, Inc. ("AIG"). According to the lawsuit, the U.S. government, through its ownership of AIG, is not only violating the Constitution, but also promoting and financing the destruction of America using American tax dollars.

The federal lawsuit challenges that portion of the "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008" that appropriated $40 billion in taxpayer money to fund and financially support the United States government's majority ownership interest in AIG, which engages in Shariah-based Islamic religious activities that are anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, and anti-American.

The basis of the lawsuit is that AIG intentionally promotes Shariah-compliant businesses and insurance products, which by necessity must comply with the 1200 year old body of Islamic cannon law based on the Quran, which demands the conversion, subjugation, or destruction of the infidel West, including the United States. To help achieve these objectives and with the aid of federal tax dollars, AIG employs a ...

Sign Petition to Stop AIG

A "New" Cuban Missle Crisis?

Russian ships enter Cuban waters

Russian warships have entered Cuban waters for the first time since the end of the Cold War.

A Russian destroyer and two support ships sailed into Havana Bay on their way home from joint exercises with the Venezuelan navy.

It is the latest sign of improved ties between Moscow and communist-run Cuba, which were allies during Soviet days.

Correspondents say it is also a reflection of strained relations between Moscow and Washington. SOURCE ...

There is no suggestion of a military confrontation, but the Russian moves are notable in part because they appear to reflect an effort by Moscow to flex some muscle in America’s backyard in response to Washington’s support for the former Soviet republic of Georgia and elsewhere on the Russian periphery. That includes U.S. missile defense bases to be erected in Poland and the Czech Republic.

The Russians were unhappy with a U.S. decision to send a state-of-the-art warship into the Black Sea as part of an American humanitarian aid mission for Georgia in the aftermath of last August’s war with Russia. The Russians also are angry about the Bush administration’s push to add Georgia and the former Soviet republic of Ukraine as members of the NATO military alliance.

Under the gaze of the U.S. Southern Command, Russian ships this fall held joint exercises with the navy of Venezuela, whose president, Hugo Chavez, is a fierce U.S. critic. SOURCE ...

See also: The Loss of Seagates and Superpower Status
Panama Canal - How Times Have Changed

"Why can't we just be friends?" Time for Obama and friends to sit down and work their magic without giving away the rest of the store.

Your Tax Dollars in the Trash!

Government Efficiency and Waste

..."talking about government waste during this week's America's future segment tonight correspondent Brian Wilson shows us that when it comes to the House of Representatives. One man's trash is another man's treasure" ... WATCH VIDEO ...

See also: The American Dream

Friday, December 19, 2008

Congress To Get Pay Raise

Members of Congress To Get Pay Raise

A crumbling economy, more than 2 million constituents who have lost their jobs this year, and congressional demands of CEOs to work for free did not convince lawmakers to freeze their own pay.

Instead, they will get a $4,700 pay increase, amounting to an additional $2.5 million that taxpayers will spend on congressional salaries, and watchdog groups are not happy about it.

"As lawmakers make a big show of forcing auto executives to accept just $1 a year in salary, they are quietly raiding the vault for their own personal gain," said Daniel O’Connell, chairman of The Senior Citizens League (TSCL), a non-partisan group. "This money would be much better spent helping the millions of seniors who are living below the poverty line and struggling to keep their heat on this winter." SOURCE ...

It’s an automatic cost of living increase that will bump up the average congressional salary to $174,000.

Some watchdog groups are demanding that lawmakers vote to freeze their pay, especially when so many constituents are struggling financially.

"This is the first test of a new Congress. Will you give yourselves a pay raise or will you sympathize with everyone around the country who's lucky to have a job and certainly in most cases will not be getting a pay raise?" questioned Tom Schatz, of Citizens Against Government Waste.

Members of Congress can choose to give their increase back by writing a check to the Treasury Department. SOURCE ...

[Do you know of anyone refusing to take "free money" ... or giving it back? The secret to wealth is getting a lot of other people's money from their pocket into yours. Good Luck!]

Click here to see how much our local lawmakers make


See also:
Financial Success - The American Dream
The Madoff Ponzi Scheme | More ...

Now OK to Say "Hussein"

Obama To Use Middle Name

President-elect Barack Obama says he will try to "reboot America's image" among the world's Muslims and will follow tradition by using his entire name - Barack Hussein Obama - in his swearing-in ceremony. SOURCE ...

[Muslims are required to also "reboot their image among the world's Christians.]

Why Was Obama's Middle Name Taboo?
Obama wasn't exactly eager to have his middle name emphasized during the campaign. Many of his more mean-spirited detractors were the ones who would employ the full name, "Barack Hussein Obama," first to imply that he undoubledly had connections with Muslims (the Islamic terrorist types), and second to draw a comparison with Saddam Hussein. SOURCE ...

[Of course, there's a Muslim connection, or he wouldn't have the name.]

So maybe the H-word [was] more like the N-word: you [could] say it, but only if you [were] an initiate. Blacks can use the N-word; Obama supporters [could] use the H-word. SOURCE ...

[Now, everyone has been freed to say Obama's name using the H-word.]

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Slapped, Screwed and Shafted

Retirement For Older Employees - The Corporate Plan

Dear Employee:

As a result of the reduction of money budgeted for department areas, we are forced to cut down on our number of personnel. Under this plan, older employees will be asked to take early retirement, thus permitting the retention of younger people who represent our future. Therefore, a program to phase out older personnel by the end of the current fiscal year, via retirement, will be placed into effect immediately.

This program will be known as SLAP (Sever Late-Aged Personnel). Employees who are SLAPPED will be given the opportunity to look for jobs outside the company.

SLAPPED employees can request a review of their employment records before actual retirement takes place. This review phase of the program is called SCREW.

SCREW (Survey of Capabilities of Retired Early Workers). All employees who have been SLAPPED and SCREWED may file an appeal with upper management.

This appeal is called SHAFT (Study by Higher Authority Following Termination).

Under the terms of the new policy, an employee may be SLAPPED once, SCREWED twice, but may be SHAFTED as many times as the company deems appropriate.

If an employee follows the above procedure, he/she will be entitled to get: HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel's Early Severance) or AIDS (Assistance Incentive Direct Subsidy).

As HERPES and AIDS are considered benefit plans, any employee who has received HERPES or AIDS will no longer be SLAPPED or SCREWED by the company.

Management wishes to assure the younger employees who remain on board that the company will continue its policy of training employees through our: CENTRAL RESOURCES ASSISTANCE POLICY (CRAP). We take pride in the amount of CRAP our employees receive. We have given our employees more CRAP than any company in this area. If any employee feels they do not receive enough CRAP on the job, see your immediate supervisor. Your supervisor is specially trained to make sure you receive all the CRAP you can handle. They are experts at administering CRAP!

And, once again, thanks for all your years of service with us.

LINK REF ... What's Really Wrong In America

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I identify as African-American

Obama - Black-American, Mixed-American, African-American, American?

Debate over whether to call this son of a white Kansan and a black Kenyan biracial, African-American, mixed-race, half-and-half, multiracial -- or, in Obama's own words, a "mutt" -- has reached a crescendo since Obama's election shattered assumptions about race.

Obama has said, "I identify as African-American -- that's how I'm treated and that's how I'm viewed. I'm proud of it." In other words, the world gave Obama no choice but to be black, and he was happy to oblige. READ ALL ...

[As the leader and President of the United States of America, one would hope that Obama identifies primarily and foremost - not as an African-American or Mixed-American or "Mutt-American", etc. - but as an "American."]

'African-American' Becomes a Term for Debate
Abdulaziz Kamus, an Ethiopian-born American citizen, said blacks whose ancestors were slaves did not see him as African-American.

"I said, 'But I am African and I am an American citizen; am I not African-American?' " said Mr. Kamus, who is an advocate for African immigrants here, recalling his sense of bewilderment. "They said 'No, no, no, not you.' "

"The census is claiming me as an African-American," said Mr. Kamus, 47, who has lived in this country for 20 years. "If I walk down the streets, white people see me as an African-American. Yet African-Americans are saying, 'You are not one of us.' So I ask myself, in this country, how do I define myself?" READ ALL ...

Is Obama Black, White, Both or Neither?
African vs. African-American
African-American vs Black American

See Also: Black First, American Second

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Corruption and Reform in Chicago

Illinois Governor Charged in Scheme to Sell Obama’s Seat - NYTimes.com
Dec 9, 2008 ... CHICAGO - The governor of Illinois brazenly put up for sale his appointment of Barack Obama’s successor in the United States Senate

Reformers in Chicago were called "goo goos," a derisive epithet short for "good-government types.

Chicago’s reputation for corruption is the basis of local and national folklore and humor. Grafters and Goo Goos: Corruption and Reform in Chicago, 1833-2003 unfolds the city’s notorious history of corruption and the countervailing reform struggles that largely failed to clean it up. More than a regional history of crime in politics, this wide-ranging account of governmental malfeasances traces ongoing public corruption and reform to its nineteenth-century democratic roots. Former Chicago journalist James L. Merriner reveals the battles between corrupt politicos and ardent reformers to be expressions of conflicting class, ethnic, and religious values.

Grafters and Goo Goos is rife with shocking and amusing anecdotes and peppered with the personalities of famous muckrakers, bootleggers, mayors, and mobsters. While other studies have profiled infamous Chicago corruption cases and figures such as Al Capone and Richard J. Daley, this is the first to provide an overview appropriate for historians and general readers alike.

American Pharaoh: Mayor Richard J. Daley - His Battle for Chicago and the Nation

Books: Political Corruption

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Answer the &$%#* Question!

Answer the &$%#* Question!
They Don't Answer the Questions!

Ever Wonder Why They Won’t? They’ve Been Media-Trained. And the Public Is the Loser

Media training, a competitive and growing industry, teaches people all the fancy steps they need to answer the questions they want to answer, not those of an inquisitive reporter. The result: in too many cases, interviews become excuses to practice public relations, and instead of shedding light, they cloud public discourse. The captive public sits and watches the waltz glide by.

Dodging the question - Some media trainers counsel clients not to answer the question that’s asked, but instead to give a response that fits with the message they plan to deliver. Others insist that’s deceptive and urge clients to at least acknowledge or "satisfy" the question and then steer or bridge to their messages. Being asked if the sky is blue and answering that the grass is green is out of vogue, they say.

"You don’t have to say what you don’t want to say. But you must acknowledge the question," says Davia Temin, president of Temin and Company, a strategic-marketing and crisis-management firm. Saying "no comment," though, is not advised since it’s seen as an admission of guilt. Nevertheless, says the longtime New York p.r. executive Richard Weiner: "There are twenty-seven different ways to avoid the question and twenty-seven ways to say no comment."

When guests don’t want to answer, they use phrases such as: That’s such a complex subject . . . Your question is not relevant . . . You bring up an interesting point, but before I discuss it, I want to talk about . . . . Such dodges serve as a springboard to the message the guest wants to send.
MORE ...

Books: Media Training 101

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Want Work? New Deal Jobs

"New" New Deal Jobs
President-elect Barack Obama added sweep and meat to his economic agenda on Saturday, pledging the largest new investment in roads and bridges since President Dwight D. Eisenhower built the Interstate system in the late 1950s, and tying his key initiatives - education, energy, health care - back to jobs in a package that has the makings of a smaller and modern version of FDR's New Deal marriage of job creation with infrastructure upgrades. Source ...

~capital is looking for the cheapest labor it can find to maximize profits

Building and operating the NAFTA corridor system [and infrastructure upgrades] will require an army of labor, and capital is looking for the cheapest labor it can find to maximize profits. To meet their manpower needs, the developers and operators of the NAFTA system are planning to exploit Mexican labor on an unprecedented scale. Chronic structural unemployment in Mexico and political vulnerability in the United States have rendered Mexican workers prime candidates for exploitation, and they are already being widely tapped for highway construction projects.

The current official estimate of highway construction laborers in the United States is between 750,000 and 1 million workers, but that is a gross undercount. Tens of thousands of workers are delivered daily to highway construction sites across the nation by labor contractors to work "off the books." Unofficial observations of these sites indicate that in the Southwest the vast majority of these casual workers are Mexican and Central American nationals and the demand for their [cheap] labor is spreading throughout the nation. Raids by immigration authorities were suspended early in the Bush administration, and the president is advocating a "guest worker" program for immigrants in order to meet the growing manpower demand. SOURCE ...

Foreigners are attractive hires because companies have found ways to pay them less than American workers. SOURCE ...

See also:
Bailout Banks Hire Foreigners
North American SuperCorridor Coalition
North American Free Trade Agreement

[Want work? Apply with SEIU, ACORN or Govt.

No luck? Work cheaper than your competitors. Grab a shovel. Capital flows to countries with lowest labor costs. Employers look for the cheapest labor. Low wages are better than no wages.

Apply for government bail-out or assistance or welfare. You may qualify. If not - and your family can no longer support you - lower your standards, go to work and displace the foreign workers.]

Border - DvD
At a critical time in American history, this extraordinary award-winning film brings people together on both sides of the illegal immigration issue, sending a strong message to Washington that this border cannot exist under these conditions and that we need to fix this problem now!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hostilities Exist!

The United States at War!
On this day in history:
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. - President Franklin D. Roosevelt

- this was simply a rude wake-up call from a relatively peaceful period in its history.
~this war was one that all ~ citizens should support in the name of their nation. The [people were told] that they were also required to put aside any differences that may have had with the government and now, "We yield to no one in our complete loyalty to the United States in conflict with any outside power." SOURCE ... (Local Editorial)

Pearl Harbor Attack, 7 December 1941

The 7 December 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor was one of the great defining moments in history. A single carefully-planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion. America, unprepared and now considerably weakened, was abruptly brought into the Second World War as a full combatant.

"Remember Dec. 7th!"
Remember the Twin Towers of 9-11 - Video

[Photo: The forward magazines of USS Arizona (BB-39) explode after she was hit by a Japanese bomb, 7 December 1941.]

Suggested Movies/DvDs: Pearl Harbor: The Real Story | Band of Brothers
Watch Actual Footage: With the Marines at Tarawa

See also: Either War is Obsolete, or Men Are!

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Truth About Teen Girls

The Truth About Teen Girls
Is there something wrong with teen girls? Specifically, are they getting too sexy? Barely a week passes without a flash bulletin blinding us with news of another prominent preadult who is in the family way or showing off her underthings. Miley Cyrus, 15, seminaked! Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, pregnant! A bunch of Massachusetts high schoolers all having babies together! It's an epidemic!

Cheerleaders' Nude Photo Suspension
The parents of two Seattle-area high school cheerleaders are suing the district for suspending the girls from the squad after nude photographs of them circulated via text message.

Sex, Drugs and Violence: What Are Teen Girls REALLY Doing?
This summer, when the Tyra Show posted a survey on sex, drugs and violence, more than 10,000 teen girls and young women were shockingly honest about what is really happening in their lives. And what they said will blow you away. What did the Young Women in Crisis survey results show?

More girls than ever are kissing other girls, becoming sexually active and actually trying to become teen mothers! What's the result of all that risky business? The survey found that the average girl loses her virginity at 15 -- and more than half of the teens having sex are doing so without protection! Many of them are even having sex at school. All that activity might explain why one in three girls said they were afraid they have an STD!

That's not all: The young women told us that they're becoming more violent too. In fact, about half of the girls in the survey said they had hit someone!

Suggested Reading - Pre-teens

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bailouts and Business 101

What happened to accounting and finance sense in business - and our government?

Has government budget mis-management and Enron become the business model of the times? Is it all about more money for "me", and a little for the business concerned?

Our public representatives and CEO's of large companies, business managers and those responsible for looking after and maintaining a strong vibrant business must be in those positions as a result of the "Peter Principle".

Government, the auto "Big Three", Banks, Savings and Loans - it doesn't make sense.

Just take more of "our" money earned through actual labor.
The Peter Principle
It holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain. Peter's Corollary states that "in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his duties" and adds that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence".
See also: Financial Success - The American Dream

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama and United Nations

Organizing the World Citizens ... and Taxes?

President-elect Barack Obama ~ introduced his national security team, made up of centrist Washington insiders, and promised an overhaul of foreign policy to give added emphasis to diplomacy and bring a "new dawn of American leadership."

In one sign of the importance the new president will place on international institutions, Obama said the job of ambassador to the United Nations would again have Cabinet rank, as it did under President Clinton.
Source ...
[See also: Clinton Global Initiative]

Obama’s Global Tax Proposal
February 12, 2008

A nice-sounding bill called the "Global Poverty Act," sponsored by ~ Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote ~ and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States. The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations. SOURCE ...

NEW YORK -- The United Nations is gearing up for what could be yet another explosively controversial international conference, this time over charges the organization wants to create a powerful worldwide tax bureaucracy.SOURCE ...

Global Taxes Are Back, Watch Your Wallet

Global tax proposals are not new. Various plans have been flitting around in academic circles and liberal and socialist think-tanks for decades. And while the United States and other developed nations have staved off such proposals in the past, third world nations have increasingly dominated the U.N. General Assembly by sheer numbers since 1970. As a result, they have begun to see promise in their quest to take and keep for themselves the wealth of citizens from nations like the United States - specifically using the term "redistribution."

Recent U.N. actions have also provided a new excuse and set the stage for the third world to not only renew its pursuit of global taxes but also hold out hope for eventual success.

Needless to say, the failing nations, led by banana republic regimes, would like nothing better. A global tax would be the ultimate handout - and security assurance - for crippled governments, failed states, and totalitarian regimes.

As the United Nations and its chorus of developing countries begin to make their case ~, Americans should watch their wallets. The global taxation zealots are coming. SOURCE ...

The Organization of the United Nations
[Points to consider from UN 100 Ways]

UNbelievers like to refer to the United Nations as the Organization, with a capital O. In fact, the official name is the United Nations Organization, and in its early years the common abbreviation was UNO. But it is more than just any organization. It is the Organization set up to organize the world.


President Clinton ordered U.S. military personnel, such as Specialist Michael New, to take off their uniforms, remove the American flag, and don the Blue Helmets of the UN peacekeeping missions.

The program laid out in the UN Charter but not yet fully implemented must come into full flower with the addition of certain reforms. There has been much talk in the United States about UN reforms. But inside the UN the word "reform" has a different meaning.

Is the sovereignty and independence of the United States incompatible with the text of the UN Charter? READ ALL ...

Every year the Secretary-General of the United Nations invites Heads of States and Governments to participate in the treaty signature/ratification ceremony organized by the Treaty Section with a view to encourage wider participation in the multilateral treaties deposited with him (over 500 treaties) and their speedier entry into force.

Annual Treaty Events also serve as advocacy tool by the UN in its effort to raise awareness and appreciation of international law among the general public. Source ...

Watch for, and evaluate coming news articles and interest in U.N. participation.

03/29/09 UPDATE:
In an upbeat signal to the 2,000 delegates in Bonn, Obama dispatched his top negotiator, Todd Stern, to deliver the message: "We're back."

The UN Makes it Official:
Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

Monday, December 1, 2008

Should Muslims Raise Their Voices?

mumbai terror Pictures, Images and Photos
Muslims condemn Mumbai attacks, worry about image

Ten gunmen attacked 10 targets in the three-day assault including a Jewish community center and luxury hotels in India's commercial hub. More than 170 people were killed.

Many Muslims said they are worried such carnage is besmirching their religion.

Throughout the Muslim world, the attacks set off soul-searching.

A man identified as Sheik Youssef al-Ayeri said the killings are in line with Islam.

"It's all right for Muslims to set the infidels' castles on fire, drown them with water .... and take some of them as prisoners, whether young or old, women or men, because it is one of many ways to beat them," he wrote in the al-Fallujah forum.

"I think that Muslims should raise their voice against such actions. They should forge a coalition to fight such phenomena, because it harms them and damages their image," said Ali Abdel Muhsen, 22, a Muslim engineering student in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Muslims and Arabs must confront the violence "that is taking place in our name and in the name of our (Islamic) tenets," wrote Khaled al-Jenfawi, a columnist for Kuwait's Al-Seyassah daily.

"Unfortunately, we have yet to see a distinguished popular condemnation in the traditional Arab or Muslim communities that strongly rejects what is happening in the name of Islam or Arab nationalism," wrote al-Jenfawi. SOURCE ...
See also: Islamophobia?


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