Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Want Work? New Deal Jobs

"New" New Deal Jobs
President-elect Barack Obama added sweep and meat to his economic agenda on Saturday, pledging the largest new investment in roads and bridges since President Dwight D. Eisenhower built the Interstate system in the late 1950s, and tying his key initiatives - education, energy, health care - back to jobs in a package that has the makings of a smaller and modern version of FDR's New Deal marriage of job creation with infrastructure upgrades. Source ...

~capital is looking for the cheapest labor it can find to maximize profits

Building and operating the NAFTA corridor system [and infrastructure upgrades] will require an army of labor, and capital is looking for the cheapest labor it can find to maximize profits. To meet their manpower needs, the developers and operators of the NAFTA system are planning to exploit Mexican labor on an unprecedented scale. Chronic structural unemployment in Mexico and political vulnerability in the United States have rendered Mexican workers prime candidates for exploitation, and they are already being widely tapped for highway construction projects.

The current official estimate of highway construction laborers in the United States is between 750,000 and 1 million workers, but that is a gross undercount. Tens of thousands of workers are delivered daily to highway construction sites across the nation by labor contractors to work "off the books." Unofficial observations of these sites indicate that in the Southwest the vast majority of these casual workers are Mexican and Central American nationals and the demand for their [cheap] labor is spreading throughout the nation. Raids by immigration authorities were suspended early in the Bush administration, and the president is advocating a "guest worker" program for immigrants in order to meet the growing manpower demand. SOURCE ...

Foreigners are attractive hires because companies have found ways to pay them less than American workers. SOURCE ...

See also:
Bailout Banks Hire Foreigners
North American SuperCorridor Coalition
North American Free Trade Agreement

[Want work? Apply with SEIU, ACORN or Govt.

No luck? Work cheaper than your competitors. Grab a shovel. Capital flows to countries with lowest labor costs. Employers look for the cheapest labor. Low wages are better than no wages.

Apply for government bail-out or assistance or welfare. You may qualify. If not - and your family can no longer support you - lower your standards, go to work and displace the foreign workers.]

Border - DvD
At a critical time in American history, this extraordinary award-winning film brings people together on both sides of the illegal immigration issue, sending a strong message to Washington that this border cannot exist under these conditions and that we need to fix this problem now!

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