Poets once said, “The sun never sets on the British Empire.” Billions considered the United States a beacon of freedom and prosperity. But times are changing. Millennia ago, Bible prophecy warned of a sobering change ahead for the Western nations.
What is ahead for America and other Western nations? History and Bible prophecy hold sobering answers!
Shocking and almost unbelievable changes are taking place in nations that once proclaimed, "In God we trust." In so-called "Christian" America, where President Andrew Jackson once said the Bible was the foundation of the Republic, atheists and secularists regularly win battles to banish prayer and remove the Ten Commandments from public display. Instead of learning the truth about creation and Jesus Christ, public school students can learn about Muhammad, or Shiva, or about how to be a witch! In England, where martyrs once died to uphold their understanding of the Bible, children now learn in grade school how to practice "safe sex," and theologians write about the impending "death" of Christianity in Britain. In Holland—once a nursery of the Protestant Reformation and a sanctuary for Puritans who later came to America—prostitutes, deviant sex and drug parlors are now prominent features in many cities. In Australia, flamboyant parades by homosexuals are among the biggest tourist attractions on the annual social calendar.
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