Sunday, July 12, 2009

Obama's Cult Collaborators

Nearly 200 years ago, emperor Napoleon came back from exile and re-conquered France without firing a shot. His conquest of Europe failed when Napoleon, in proper English terms, was soundly thrashed at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington.

Napoleon might be long gone, but President Obama is doing his best to fill his boots. Sure, he's taller. And instead of hiding his hand in his shirt, it's either in our pockets or signing bills and spending money. But his aims are very similar -- power and control. Just as the French army was Napoleon's personal guard, Obama's followers resemble more of a personality cult than a political party. If he wins, ordinary citizens lose and government grows ever larger.

The Obama strategy is one of using each "crisis" to his benefit. A quick search of the White House Web site finds 530 separate mentions of "crisis." They've got an "economic crisis," a "financial crisis," a "home mortgage crisis," a "flooding" crisis, an "international financial crisis," a couple of "humanitarian" crises and even a "potential environmental crisis" in Australia.

As Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."

The Best of Napoleon

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