Same Games - Different Players: Stirring the Pot Points to Ponder Things to Think About Perspectives Comments Views Reviews and Links on a Variety of Subjects. Life and Living In the News, Blogs, Books and blah blah. Truth Lies Propaganda Conspiracies Smoke & Mirrows Bait and Switch BS Gobbly-Gook. "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Except for the speed and industry in which its done.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Ponzi Schemes Are Busting Out All Over
It seems almost unimaginable that Americans who are rightfully cheering Madoff's 150-year sentence don't understand that their President, along with governors and legislators across the fruited plain, are involved in the very same scam, and with their money. READ ALL ...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"The messiah" and the Transformers

At the end of the sixth month, President Obama looked over all he had created and said that it was very good. So he declared the seventh month a month of rest.
"The messiah" is going on vacation.
Here's The One Thing: Obama must be tired - he's spent the last six months transforming our country; just like he told us he would do. No one paid attention to him.
If you give me the next few minutes and look with a new perspective, you'll see how he revealed the game plan to transform America and marketed it as "change." Boy, was America eager for change: LINK ...
Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies

Never has an administration taken office with more inflated expectations of turning Washington around. Never have a media-anointed American Idol and his entourage fallen so fast and hard. In her latest investigative tour de force, New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin delivers a powerful, damning, and comprehensive indictment of the culture of corruption that surrounds Team Obama's brazen tax evaders, Wall Street cronies, petty crooks, slum lords, and business-as-usual influence peddlers. In Culture of Corruption, Malkin reveals: Book Review
MUST READ -- shocking truth about the CHANGE lies
This is a MUST read book that uncovers --- the driving force behind the OBAMA administration. The truth is there are a select group making long term costly decisions for millions of people. Reading this uncovers the hidden agenda, and clarifies the entire scheme. Read it, then gift it to a friend.

Thomas Paine Collection: Common Sense, Rights of Man, Age of Reason, An Essay on Dream, Biblical Blasphemy, Examination Of The Prophecies (Forgotten Books) by Thomas Paine
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Obesity or Hacked to Death?

Politics is actually kind of important. There are about 200 countries in the world; 200 different governments. In some countries, like North Korea, people have died by the millions due to starvation in just the last few years. In others, like the Congo, Sudan, Rwanda and others, people have died by the millions due to civil war or mass murder - again, in only the last few years, while you've been alive. Yet in other countries, like the US, obesity is considered one of our worst problems. Whether the worst problem you face is being overweight or hacked to death with machetes depends much on ... CONTINUED.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Abolish the White Race

Customer Review
Apparently all the ills of the world would disappear if the white race or "white privilege" were abolished. I think the general theme of the book might be summed up this way:
If a white person commits a crime against a black (or non-white) person, the white person is at fault. If a black (or non-white) person commits a crime against a white person, the white person is at fault. No matter what the circumstances, or who is involved, it's the white person's fault, according to the author. What is the logical solution to what Ignatiev frames as the root problem? Eliminate the white person, or eliminate "white privilege" which somehow "triggers" all the woes of the world.
Overall one of the most hate filled and nasty publications I've ever been exposed to.
The editors meant it when they replied to a reader, "Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed." SOURCE ...
See also: A New America is Dawning
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
White Man's Last Stand

(Sotomayor and white men)
A wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not know that a gaggle of white Republican men afraid of extinction are out to trip her up.
After all, these guys have never needed to speak inspirational words to others like them, as Sotomayor has done. They’ve had codes, handshakes and clubs to do that.
(About Palin and country music and fans)
Sarah Palin is the definition of irrational, a volatile and scattered country-music queen without the music. Her Republican fans defend her lack of application and intellect, happy to settle for her emotional electricity. READ ALL ...
"Poor Maureen. One can always tell a leftists female, frustrated and fed up with the limp-wristed, dip-stick "men" the left has to offer." - by Oldpuppymax
See also: Change - A New America
'Lives Unworthy of Life'

Is NYT Encouraging Old Folks to Give up and Die to Help Pay for Obamacare?
Hey, grandma, hurry up and die so that Obamacare can pay for healthcare for more worthy, younger folks. That seems to be the message that The New York Times is selling in order to smooth the waters for the nationalized healthcare system that president Obama is trying to peddle to us all.
The Times is running a series titled "Months to Live" in order to help spread the sort of end of life issues that are helpful to Obama's healthcare agenda, one of which seems to be the idea that elderly should forgo any sort of heroic measures to keep them alive so as not to waste those resources that might be able to go to younger, more vital patients. READ ALL ...
'Lives Unworthy of Life'
Nazi Precedent for Obama Health Plan:
It's Now Time To Insist `Never Again!'
"I am fully conscious that when I said 'yes' to euthanasia, I did so with the deepest conviction, just as it is my conviction today, that it was right. Death can mean deliverance. Death is life - just as much as birth. It was never meant to be murder." - Dr. Karl Brandt
... the population's attitude toward human life began to subtly shift. What Dr. Alexander explains as a shift in physicians' attitudes, was paralleled in that of the population as a whole.
The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians. It started with the acceptance of the attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as a life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick. Gradually the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, and finally all non-Aryans. But it is important to realize that the infinitely small wedge-in lever from which this entire trend of mind received its impetus was the attitude towards the non-rehabilitable sick.
It is, therefore, this subtle shift in emphasis of the physicians' attitude that one must thoroughly investigate....
... all state institutions were required to report on patients who had been ill five years or more and who were unable to work, by filling out questionnaires giving name, race, marital status, nationality, next of kin, whether regularly visited and by whom, who bore financial responsibility, and so forth. The decision regarding which patients should be killed, was made entirely on the basis of this brief information by expert consultants, most of whom were professors of psychiatry in the key universities.
Obama's Nazi Doctors And Their `Reforms'
"What are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?"
"Should Medical Care be Rationed by Age?" (1987), "Choosing the Time to Die: The Ethics and Economics of Suicide in Old Age," (1987), "Can We Copy the Dutch? Can Holland's Practice of Voluntary Euthanasia Be a Model for the United States?" (1993), "Is There a Place for Euthanasia in America's Care for the Elderly?" (1996), and "Age-Rationing and the Just Distribution of Health Care; Is There a Duty to Die?" (1987).
See also: 'Useless Eaters Program' ... | Ageism
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Obama's Cult Collaborators

Napoleon might be long gone, but President Obama is doing his best to fill his boots. Sure, he's taller. And instead of hiding his hand in his shirt, it's either in our pockets or signing bills and spending money. But his aims are very similar -- power and control. Just as the French army was Napoleon's personal guard, Obama's followers resemble more of a personality cult than a political party. If he wins, ordinary citizens lose and government grows ever larger.
The Obama strategy is one of using each "crisis" to his benefit. A quick search of the White House Web site finds 530 separate mentions of "crisis." They've got an "economic crisis," a "financial crisis," a "home mortgage crisis," a "flooding" crisis, an "international financial crisis," a couple of "humanitarian" crises and even a "potential environmental crisis" in Australia.
As Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
The Best of Napoleon
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Stoning of Soraya M
BASED ON A TRUE STORY Stranded in a remote Iranian village, a French journalist is approached by Zahra, a woman who has a harrowing tale to tell about her niece, Soraya, and the bloody circumstance...
Stoning Soraya M. - Islamic w/English
Article: 'The Stoning of Soraya M.' a horrifying look at fate of women in Iran
DvD | Blu-ray
Stoning Soraya M. - Islamic w/English
Article: 'The Stoning of Soraya M.' a horrifying look at fate of women in Iran

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