What Will the Next President Face?
In the days of biblical Israel a king had various advisers in his court to advise him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah brought God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God were independent voices representing the word of God to the king. - Darris McNeely
Imagine the next president of the United States taking office on Jan. 20. It is the first full working day for the new chief executive. What might he hear if a servant of God entered the Oval Office with an analysis of the world and America, along with recommendations from the Bible of how God would expect the president to govern? Let's imagine.
Good morning, Mr. President. Let me congratulate you on your new responsibilities and may I offer sincere wishes for your success as you take the helm of the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation. Your inaugural speech yesterday made clear your intent to maintain that position for the nation while at the same time seeking to reach out to both friend and foe to forge a bond of respect and cooperation.
You are coming into office at perhaps the most critical time in America's existence. The financial crisis of recent months is the most severe in this generation. America's relative position in the world faces the greatest challenge since the end of World War II. Iran's nuclear program could soon produce a weapon capable of destabilizing the entire Middle East. Many wonder what your administration will do to counter this threat.
Other world problems demand your attention and leadership. The security and prosperity of this nation and the maintenance of the current world order are at stake. Many voices are offering advice on the way forward. Here is an analysis and counsel from God's Word. The choice is yours as to which way you, and the nation, will go. CONTINUED here ...
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