by Hugh Fitzgerald
“The American presence in Iraq fuels Muslim extremism.”
--- a conclusion concluded from, the National Intelligence Estimate by many concluders in solemn conclusory conclave assembled.
Ninety-Five Other Things That Also Fuel Muslim Extremism:
#58 The single mention by President Bush of the word “islamofascism” – a word which must never again be repeated by him, and which he never again repeated.
#59 The behavior of American soldiers who have on several occasions returned deadly fire coming at them from mosques in Iraq.
#60 The behavior of the British police in not notifying Muslim authorities, well in advance, of any planned raids on any suspected Muslim terrorists in Great Britain, a grave offense which has now apparently, in order to win Muslim hearts and Muslim minds, been rectified.
#68 The outrageous attempt to suggest that people are not born Muslims.
#69 The outrageous attempt to suggest that the spread of Islam was ever undertaken through violence, when everyone knows it was a case of sudden mass conversion.
#70 The refusal of this or that Infidel religious leader, political figure, writer, artist, comedian, or simply you, or simply I, to exhibit the proper attitude toward Islam, Islam, Islam. Link:
Less Violent Islamists are Still Islamists (Israel News)
Groups like the Saudi-funded CAIR have the same goals as Jihadis.
Islamophobia: Some Perspective
Muslims who complain about Islamophobia see nothing wrong with their community's mistreatment of others, because it is a part of Islam.
Company apologizes to offended Muslims
Nike Inc. let the other shoe drop in a public affairs snafu , agreeing to recall a line of shoes with a logo that a Muslim group found offensive.

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