The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
This book argues that the academic meltdown in our public education system is intentional. It asserts that change agents have been working at the Education Department to change curriculum, not to improve teaching but to promote a socialist agenda. Their role is to create schools which will mold obedient citizens who no longer have the knowledge and skills to improve their lot in life, but are dependent on government/multi-national companies' guidance to survive. The system will create imprisoned citizens that will be managed from cradle to grave to serve the needs of the state's managed economy. The book is clearly written,copiously documented, and finally answers the question "Why can't our kids read, write, and count?" A must-read for anyone with children. It presents a scary view of America's future if nothing is done to bring back our schools to the excellence of the turn of the century.
Video on Youtube
h/t @michaelgolde @StarSpangledGrl
You think the purpose of education is reading, writing, & arithmetic?
"The purpose of education is to change the thoughts, actions & feelings of students."
Good teaching is challenging the student's fixed beliefs - Benjamin Bloom
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals
See also: Changing the Children
Same Games - Different Players: Stirring the Pot Points to Ponder Things to Think About Perspectives Comments Views Reviews and Links on a Variety of Subjects. Life and Living In the News, Blogs, Books and blah blah. Truth Lies Propaganda Conspiracies Smoke & Mirrows Bait and Switch BS Gobbly-Gook. "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Except for the speed and industry in which its done.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Michael Patrick Leahy, the co-founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter, and one of the early leaders of the Tea Party Movement, offers sixteen rules for conservative radicals based on lessons from Saul Alinsky, the Tea Party Movement, and the Apostle Paul. Leahy shows how today's average citizen, armed with inexpensive tools of collaborative technology, can influence the public dialogue in ways never thought possible only a few years ago. Leahy argues that today's conservative radical should follow the tactics of Saul Alinsky, but apply the morals and ethics of Martin Luther King.Leahy provides unique insights into the true story of how the Tea Party Movement and the Town Hall Protests of August 2009 came to be, and sounds the alarm of conservative optimism for the future of our country. He argues that we can save our republic, but that it will require a dramatic increase in the degree of political engagement of like-minded conservatives around the country. Based on his personal experience, Leahy offers unique insights into project servant-leadership and the dynamics of self organizing projects. He argues that succesful self organizing projects are characterized by rapid response consensus development, transparent communications, and rapid implementation of tactics by a core group of engaged project colleagues, all of whom are guided by principles of project servant-leadership first demonstrated by the Apostle Paul. Today's patriotic American citizen must be prepared to willingly step into the pool of piranhas--those amoral left wing zealots who seek only to destroy their opponents. Leahy offers sound advice about effective ways to fight back and defeat these piranhas. We should do no less for our posterity, he concludes, than Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, and Washington did for us.
Customer Review:
... I had been profoundly misguided by the dominant liberal media, which had the habit of visciously slandering conservatives. No wonder I thought that I would rather be dead than a Republican. With the picture they routinely paint, why would anyone think of being a Republican. What evil monsters!
Now I realize that pound for pound, idea for idea, value for value, I would rather be a conservative promoting Liberty, Freedom, and Free Enterprise than the Statist alternative that always result downstream in a meek and fearful populace dominated by elitists who despise the people they supposedly represent. The times they are a changin' -- where did I hear that?
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